14 março 2006

Música à Terça: The Cecil Taylor Unit/Roswell Rudd Sextet Mixed

Taylor: Perhaps before we go any further, we better define what jazz is.

Overton: No, I’m not going to get into that…


Taylor: Why not? Why not? How can we talk about the future of something that we can’t even define? What are we talking about?

Overton: Let me define jazz community. You have to be able to play jazz with someone else. Well if you have four people, that’s a community. If you have three…

Taylor: Well, Haydn played with somebody too. Was he playing jazz?

Overton: No, he played by himself.

Taylor: No, no, no – his chamber work, you know, and his symphony, you know. People played together, does that mean it’s jazz because they played together?

Overton: The idea of a jazz community is that jazz is really based on more than one person playing together, and you have to be able to say, and you have to be able to agree musically.

Taylor: Well what is this thing you’re calling jazz? That’s what I want to know first and now let’s get that that [sic] before we start talking about…

Overton: I think that would be stupid to get into. We could spend all day – you have your ideas, I have mine…


9 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

The shape of Jazz to come....gostei dessa entrevista e gosto do disco ...Play it again.

M.M. disse...

Jazz, eterno jazz.
Este diálogo é interessante.

Espreita este blog e depois diz-me o que pensas.

isabel mendes ferreira disse...

_____________________play it____________Sam....please.

enquanto não eu fico em nocturnos....


Alexandre Antunes disse...

Merdinhas, obrigado pelo espinho... vai deixando.
Blog interessante, o teu. Prometo aparecer de vez em quando.

Madame Pirulitos disse...

Já vi que se conheceram...
It's all that jazz

Madame Pirulitos disse...

It's show time folks

raul alves disse...

É um grande disco de Cecil Taylor

Este é o meu espaço virado para a música

Um abraço

Art&Tal disse...

boa pedrada...............dear friend.............cecil taylor...custa-me ouvir falar tanto de jazz e tão pouco deste gajo...
em breve vou tambem revelar peças da minha cozinha para orgasmos varios. boa musica para dançar e outros ingredientes. eu depois apito.

Anónimo disse...

"It seems to me that what music is, is everything that you do."
E quem o disse? C.Taylor no documentário Imagine The Sound.